Beacons in the Darkness: The Importance of Community News

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Teens, Adults
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Event Details

Join Dave Hoekstra, Steve Lord, Donna De Falco, and Dr. Marilyn Hollman to celebrate the importance of community reporting and the release of Dave Hoekstra’s newest book "Beacons in the Darkness." Hoekstra, De Falco, and Lord (all Naperville Central Class of 1973) worked at the school paper with Dr. Hollman as advisor. Each went on to have careers in journalism, and they’ll discuss the lessons they learned about community reporting and the importance of community newspapers to today’s media landscape.

This program will be presented in person at the Nichols Library and live streamed via Zoom. Registration is only required if you wish to join virtually via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent automatically once registration has been completed. 

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