Zev & Shifra Karkomi Holocaust Virtual Exhibition

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Event Details

Take a virtual tour of Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center's exhibit, "Zev & Shifra Karkomi Holocaust Exhibition." This powerful and personal exhibit explores pre-war European life, the rise of Nazism, ghettoization, concentration camps, liberation, and resettlement around the world through more than 500 artifacts, documents, photographs, and a German rail car of the type used in Nazi deportations. The exhibit has a special focus on post-war life in Skokie, Illinois, which had the largest per capita population of Holocaust survivors outside of Israel and sparked the Museum’s eventual creation.

This program will be presented via livestream both at 95th Street Library and via Zoom. Registration is only required if you want to join virtually. Register below through Zoom directly. An email containing the link to join will automatically be emailed once registration is complete.

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