Brown Bag Lecture: Billy Caldwell

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Event Details

Due to illness, there has been a change of speaker for this presentation. Please join Susan Kelsey, author of "Billy Caldwell (1780-1841) Chicago and the Great Lakes Trail" to learn more about Billy Caldwell.

Joseph Standing Bear Schranz from the Midwest SOARRING Foundation will tell the story of Billy Caldwell, born of Rising Sun of the Mohawk Nation and William Caldwell, a British army captain. Respected by the Chippewa, Ottawa, and Potawatomi Tribes and able to speak Potawatomi, English, and French, Caldwell helped negotiate The Treaty of Prairie du Chien in 1829 and The Treaty of Chicago in 1833.

This program will be presented in person and livestreamed via Zoom. Registration is only required if you want to join virtually. Register below through Zoom directly. An email containing the link to join will automatically be emailed once registration is complete.  

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  This presentation will be recorded and available on the Library's YouTube channel for two weeks after the presentation.