Brown Bag Lecture: Mother Jones

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Mother Jones was one of America's most effective and dynamic labor organizers. Beginning in the 1870s and continuing for over fifty years, Mother Jones went to coal mines, trainyards, factories, and logging camps to meet with workers and help them fight against conditions that amounted to slavery. In 1903, she marched striking mill children from Philadelphia to President Roosevelt's home in Oyster Bay, Long Island, drawing the eye of the country to the crime of child slavery. Hear from this spectacularly controversial woman, portrayed by Betsey Means, as she shares her stories as a labor leader, fighting against harsh labor conditions and publicizing the unspeakable crime of child labor.

This program will be held in person and livestreamed via Zoom. Registration is only required if you want to join virtually. Register below through Zoom directly. An email containing the link to join will automatically be emailed once registration is complete.  

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