Brown Bag Lecture: Ghost Army

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Event Details

 The Combat Con Artists of World War II

Take a virtual tour of Illinois Holocaust Museum & Educations Center's exhibit, "Ghost Army: The Combat Con Artists of World War II." This special exhibit tells the heroic tale of the U.S. Army’s top-secret 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, known as the “Ghost Army,” and their covert operations across Europe. This group of artists, engineers, professional soldiers, and draftees—the first mobile, multimedia, tactical deception unit in U.S. Army history—saved thousands of lives and played an important part in Allied victory in World War II. Using inflatable tanks and vehicles, fake radio traffic, sound effects, and even phony generals, they were capable of simulating two whole divisions (approximately 30,000 men) to fool German forces during WWII’s final year. The exhibition details the 22 large-scale deceptions launched by the “Ghost Army” from Normandy to the Rhine River between D-Day and the end of the war, shedding light on a story that was kept secret for over 50 years after the war.

This program will be presented via livestream both at 95th Street Library and via Zoom. Registration is only required if you want to join virtually. Register below through Zoom directly. An email containing the link to join will automatically be emailed once registration is complete. 

Click Here to Register

"Ghost Army" was produced by The National World War II Museum, and is presented by the Illinois Holocaust Museum.