Titanic Survivor Violet Jessop

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Event Details

A First-Person Historical Portrayal Based on the True Story Written and Performed by Leslie Goddard.

When the HMHS Britannic sank during World War I, few survivors emerged with a toothbrush. Violet Jessop, however, had hers, remembering what she had missed after the sinking of the RMS Titanic (the Britannic’s identical sister ship in 1912). The only person to survive both sinkings, Jessop tells unforgettable stories of the terrifying disasters and gives a fascinating glimpse at life behind the-scenes on the most glamorous luxury liners of their day.

This program will be held in person and livestreamed via Zoom. Registration is only required if you want to join virtually. Register below through Zoom directly. An email containing the link to join will automatically be emailed once registration is complete. 

Click Here to Register


This program will also be recorded and posted on the Library's YouTube channel for 2 weeks.