Brown Bag Lecture: Calamity Jane

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A Lone Woman in the Wilds of the Rocky Mountain West

Martha Jane Cannary Burke, better known as Calamity Jane, was an American frontierswoman, sharpshooter, and raconteur. She is known for being an acquaintance of Wild Bill Hickok, appearing in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, and claims of fighting against the Sioux. Setting herself apart from other women with her love of adventure and the outdoors, she became an expert rider at an early age, and proved she could work and socialize with hard and tough frontiersmen. Join Calamity Jane, portrayed by Linda Witkowski, as she shares her story of life on the frontier. *Registration required to view virtually. 

This program will be presented via livestream both at 95th Street Library and via Zoom. Register through Zoom directly. The Zoom link will be sent automatically once registration has been completed. 

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