Brown Bag Lecture: The Race to Save the Titanic

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160 minutes! That is all the time rescuers would have before the largest ship in the world slipped beneath the icy Atlantic. The race to save the largest ship in the world from certain death would reveal both heroes and villains. Hear the story of the two young Marconi operators, tapping furiously and sending electromagnetic waves into the black night inaugurating the most extensive rescue operation in maritime history and the only reason every man, woman and child did not succumb to the cold depths of the Atlantic. Join bestselling author William Hazelgrove as he commemorates the 110th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, discussing his riveting book, "One Hundred and Sixty Minutes: The Race to Save the Titanic." *Registration required

This program is being held virtually via Zoom. Please register through Zoom directly: The Race to Save the Titanic